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wire Trade Fair 2024 Newsletter - How are Copper and Aluminum industrial Cables different?

Copper and aluminum are both effective conductors of electricity, but the difference between them lies in the fact that copper has better conductivity and is easier to handle, while aluminum is lighter in weight and less expensive. Besides these widely known characteristics, the Wire Trade Fair 2024 has summarized the differences between these two materials in industrial applications.


Copper has higher conductivity than aluminum, meaning it has a higher efficiency in transmitting current. Although aluminum is also an excellent conductive material, to achieve the same level of conductivity, the diameter of an aluminum cable must be larger than that of a copper cable (50-60%). And a copper cable of the same size often has a 40% higher current carrying capacity than an aluminum cable.


However, copper is denser than aluminum. For cables of the same length, aluminum wires are much lighter than copper wires, which is a significant advantage in large-scale installations.


Furthermore, considering the cost, copper is about twice as expensive as aluminum, and the cost of copper fluctuates more. Therefore, aluminum offers a higher cost-performance ratio. Thus, the Wire Trade Fair 2024 has learned that within the limited budget of a project, aluminum cables are a good choice.


Copper is more corrosion-resistant and suitable for a wider range of environments, including underground installations. Aluminum is more susceptible to corrosion, so in corrosive environments, preventive measures must be taken, such as special coatings or alloying.


The flexibility of copper and aluminum cables also differs significantly. Copper is more flexible, with higher ductility and malleability, making it easier to bend during installation. It can more easily navigate through narrow corners and areas, whereas aluminum cables are more prone to cracking when subjected to vibration. In practical applications, it is also necessary to consider environments where there is a significant amount of low-frequency and high-frequency mechanical vibration.

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